A Lighthorse convoy departs Oklahoma to provide hurricane relief to our neighbors in Texas.


The Muscogee (Creek) Nation contributed an estimated $24 million in economic impact to the Tribe’s namesake, Creek County. In addition to operating diverse business and government operations, we are proud to help keep citizens safe. Within the MCN boundaries, it is not uncommon to see a Lighthorse Tribal Police officer patrolling roads and highways to help protect the lives and property of those they serve. In fact, 36 Lighthorse officers patrol an area that is four times the size of Rhode Island. Cross-deputization services complement the work of non-tribal law enforcement agencies, and officers work together to investigate cases and increase overall public safety.

In addition, the Lighthorse has a team of professionals trained in emergency management, including swift water rescue. We have several boats, ATVs and other equipment that have been used in various relief efforts in Oklahoma and other states.

Creek County

Impact Type Employment Payroll Value-Added Output
Direct Effect 164 $15,747,765 $13,057,466
Multiplier Effect 101 $3,038,960 $25,355,471 $10,690,123
Total Effect 265 $18,786,725 $25,355,471 $23,747,589